Reminisce Photo-shoot!
Today we had our photo-shoot for Reminisce! Reminisce is a new brand we are launching soon that sells scented photo-journals! The concept is that we shouldn't only be able to look back to our past with just one sense, when we can have two. Sight and smell. #smellandsee
Here are a few of the shots we got! I'd share them all but we took over 200! I will be sharing the video soon as well, so keep a look out!
Here you can see pastel paperclips and bottles. The paperclips represent holding things together, and also we have used one in our brand logo. The bottles are a way to show the different life event scents we can create.
This is what our photo-journal looks like! The brown paper and white ribbon on the boxes behind represent the packaging for our photo-journals. A simple but classic combination.
These are the five life events we will start off creating. First Baby, Birthdays, First Car, Moving Out and of course Wedding Day.
In the video which is coming soon! We used coloured raindrops to pour into the pages to represent the scents.