The Naked Brand
Trust and belief in brands. Have we become more cynical of big buisnesses? Why?
Too much information is out there nowadays to bullshit anyone anymore. Every great brand needs trust and latley people have been turning to Google for information rather than believing what they are being told by brands. Consumers today are even turning to social media to share what they have found about brands.
The question is, why aren't companies improving their products when their potential consumers are writing reviews - not all good - about their products.
90% of consumers trust user reviews over brands and only 20% trust advertising at all. Checking user reviews is now the way that consumers are finding out about products before they buy.
Is there too much advertising out there or is it just less effective because it is coming at consumers in so many different directions?
Going green seems to be more effective for brands that do it than the ones who don't. Even companies who are helping communities are doing better that brands who aren't. Chanel spent $20 on their Nicole Kidman advertisement yet when Pepsi spent the same amount by using it towards their Pepsi Refresh Project they did better and got more press than they Chanel - Le Film advert got views.
In my opinion advertising could go a lot further than it is if there is more time and money spent on the products they are advertising to the consumers rather than a new advertisment where most consumers don't trust the message behind it.
'Doing good is doing well' - The Naked Brand